

  1. J. Zabalza, “Feature extraction and data reduction for hyperspectral remote sensing Earth observation,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Strathclyde, EEE, Jun. 2015.
  2. J. Zabalza, “Feature selection for effective classification and data analysis in hyperspectral imaging,” M.Sc. dissertation, University of Strathclyde, EEE, Sep. 2012.
  3. J. Zabalza, “Utilización del filtrado de Kalman en algoritmos de control de inversores trifásicos para generación distribuida,” M.A.S. dissertation, Universitat Politècnica de València, DIE, Oct. 2009.
  4. J. Zabalza, “Análisis comparativo entre electrificación convencional y sistema basado en energías renovables para electrificación rural en Atzeneta del Maestrat,” M.Eng. dissertation, Universitat Jaume I, ESTCE, Feb. 2006.


  1. Small Group Seminars (SGS) EME105 (Tutor – University of Strathclyde, 2022/2023): Engineering for people and planet – Sustainable development.
  2. EE270/EM270 Digital Electronics (Lecturer – University of Strathclyde, 2022/2023): State machine design and analysis, Flip-Flops.
  3. Small Group Seminars (SGS) CES105 (Tutor – University of Strathclyde, 2021/2022): Engineering for people and planet – Sustainable development.
  4. EE581/EE881/EE981 Image And Video Processing (Online teaching with voice over presentation – University of Strathclyde, 2021/2022): Image filters, feature extraction, hyperspectral imaging.
  5. EE270/EM270 Digital Electronics (Teaching Assistant – University of Strathclyde, 2021/2022): State machine design and analysis, Flip-Flops.
  6. Small Group Tutorial (SGT) CES105 (Tutor – University of Strathclyde, 2020/2021): Analogue and digital electronics.
  7. EE581/EE881/EE981 Image And Video Processing (Online teaching with voice over presentation – University of Strathclyde, 2020/2021): Image filters, feature extraction, hyperspectral imaging.
  8. EE270/EM270 Digital Electronics (Teaching Assistant – University of Strathclyde, 2020/2021): State machine design and analysis, Flip-Flops.
  9. Signals and Systems (Online teaching with voice over presentation for NEEPU, Jilin, China 2020/2021): 1D/2D correlation/convolution, spectral analysis, digital filters, and practical case studies.
  10. Small Group Tutorial (SGT) CES105 (Tutor – University of Strathclyde, 2019/2020): Analogue and digital electronics.
  11. Signals and Systems (2-week teaching in NEEPU, Jilin, China 2018/2019): Fourier series, Fourier transform (DTFT, DFT), spectral analysis and digital filters.
  12. Small Group Tutorial (SGT) EM105 (Tutor – University of Strathclyde, 2018/2019): Analogue and digital electronics.
  13. EE581/EE981 Image and Video Processing (Teaching Assistant – University of Strathclyde, 2017/2018): Mask operations, 2D filters, mathematical morphology, erosion, dilation.
  14. EE313/EM301 Engineering Analysis (Teaching Assistant – University of Strathclyde, 2014/2015): Probabilistic modelling and inference, principal component analysis, distance and similarity measurement, data clustering, information theory and entropy.


  1. Miss Aoife Keane (2nd supervisor 2022/…) – Hyperspectral imaging for corrosion detection, Ph.D. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde.
  2. Mr Ha Viet Khanh (2nd supervisor 2021/2022) – Deep learning based image super resolution, Ph.D. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde.
  3. Mr Siyuan Chen (2nd supervisor 2021/2022) – M.Phil. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde.
  4. Mr Emmanouil Alexakis (1st supervisor 2020/2021) – Brain network construction pipelines, 19496 project, University of Strathclyde.
  5. Miss Nour Aburaed (2nd supervisor 2020/…) – Deep learning based hyperspectral imaging super resolution, Ph.D. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde.
  6. Mr Samson Damilola Fabiyi (2nd supervisor 2020/2022) – Feature extraction techniques for hyperspectral images, Ph.D. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde.
  7. Mr Calum MacLellan (3rd supervisor 2019/…) – Automatic cytoplasm segmentation of overlapping cervical cells, Eng.D. in medical devices, University of Strathclyde.
  8. Mr Calum MacLellan (3rd supervisor 2018/2019) – Automatic cytoplasm segmentation of overlapping cervical cells using edge-based active contours, miniproject towards Eng.D. medical devices, University of Strathclyde.
  9. Miss Elsa Marie (helping supervisor 2017/2018) – Development of an application for collection of remote sensing images, 12-week international internship (student originally from Grenoble, France), University of Strathclyde.
  10. Mr Ruojia Yin (helping supervisor 2017/2018) – ECG analysis, undergraduate project, University of Strathclyde.
  11. Mr Matt Gaffney (helping supervisor 2017/2018) – Object detection, undergraduate project, University of Strathclyde.


  1. 19496 Projects – Reports/Presentations (Marking panel – University of Strathclyde, since 2019).
  2. Vertically Integrated Projects (VIPS) Presentations (Marking panel – University of Strathclyde, since 2020).
  3. PhD Student Progress Interim Review (Reviewer – University of Strathclyde, since 2020).
  4. EE986 Papers (Marking panel – University of Strathclyde, since 2020).
  5. MSc Poster Presentations (Marking panel – University of Strathclyde, since 2020).


  1. V. Masero-Vargas, “Una nueva metodología de segmentación de imágenes basada en contornos activos. Aplicación a la segmentación de imágenes médicas para la reconstrucción tridimensional de estructuras anatómicas,” Ph.D. dissertation, Universidad de Extremadura, Jan. 2016.


  1. W. Coventry, “Fine-time resolution passive RF source imaging“, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Strathclyde, Oct. 2022.
  2. N. Padfield, “Effective EEG analysis for advanced AI-driven BMI/BCI systems“, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Strathclyde, Mar. 2022.
  3. Z. Fang, “Automatic CNN channel selection and effective detection on face and rotated aerial objects,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Strathclyde, Jun. 2020.
  4. Y. Fang, “Remote sensing and machine learning for prediction of wheat growth in precision agriculture applications,” M.Phil. dissertation, University of Strathclyde, Mar. 2020.
  5. J. Tschannerl, “Effective hyperspectral band selection and multispectral sensing based data reduction and applications in food analysis,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Strathclyde, Jun. 2019.


  1. Guest: Special issue on Feature Extraction and Data Classification in Hyperspectral Imaging II (FEDCHI II) – Remote Sensing (RS – MDPI) [Open].
  2. Guest: Special issue on Cognitive Modelling of Multimodal Data Intensive Systems for Applications in Nature and Society (COMDICS 2021) – Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (DDNS – Hindawi) [Closed September 2022].
  3. Editorial board member: Environmental Remote Sensing section – Remote Sensing (RS – MDPI) [From 2020].
  4. Guest: Special issue on Machine Learning Using Medium and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Datasets – Remote Sensing (RS – MDPI) [Closed March 2022].
  5. Guest: Special issue on Feature Extraction and Data Classification in Hyperspectral Imaging (FEDCHI) – Remote Sensing (RS – MDPI) [Closed February 2021].
  6. Guest: Special issue on Cognitive Modelling of Multimodal Data Intensive Systems for Applications in Nature and Society (COMDICS 2019) – Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (DDNS – Hindawi) [Closed July 2020].


  1. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL – IEEE).
  2. Neurocomputing (NEUCOM – Elsevier).
  3. Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS – IEEE).
  4. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS – Elsevier).
  5. Signal Processing Letters (SPL – IEEE).
  6. Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIVP – Springer).
  7. Sensing and Imaging (SI – Springer).
  8. Remote Sensing Letters (RSL – Taylor & Francis).
  9. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (MULT – Springer).
  10. Measurement (MEAS – Elsevier).
  11. Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS – IEEE).
  12. International Journal of Remote Sensing (IJRS – Taylor & Francis).
  13. Cognitive Computation (COGN – Springer).
  14. Expert Systems With Applications (ESWA – Elsevier).
  15. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM – IEEE).
  16. Image Processing (IPR – IET).
  17. Journal of The Franklin Institute (JFI – Elsevier).
  18. Applied Sciences (APP – MDPI).
  19. International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI – MDPI).
  20. Journal of Imaging (JIMAGING – MDPI).
  21. Remote Sensing (RS – MDPI).
  22. Sensors (S – MDPI).
  23. Symmetry (SYM – MDPI).
  24. Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science (PFGE – Springer).
  25. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (PHYSA – Elsevier).
  26. Signal Processing (SIGPRO – Elsevier).
  27. Springer Nature Applied Sciences (SNAS – Springer).
  28. Biosystems Engineering (YBENG – Elsevier).
  29. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience (JIN – IMR Press).
  30. IEEE Access (Access – IEEE).
  31. Vibrational Spectroscopy (VIBSPEC – Elsevier).
  32. Scientific Reports (SR – Nature).
  33. Information Fusion (INFFUS – Elsevier).
  34. Knowledge-Based Systems (KNOSYS – Elsevier).
  35. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (THMS – IEEE).
  36. Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL – Elsevier).
  37. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOTJ – IEEE).
  38. PeerJ Computer Science (PEERJCS – PEERJ).
  39. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP – IEEE).


  1. National Science Centre (NSC), Poland.


  1. The 10th International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2019), China – Publication Chair.
  2. Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications Conference, (HSI 2018), UK – Reviewer.
  3. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2018), Italy – Reviewer.
  4. The 9th International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2018), China – Publication Chair.
  5. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017), Greece – Reviewer.
  6. International Workshop on Smart Mining of Multimedia Big Data (SMED 2017), UK.
  7. Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications Conference, (HSI 2016), UK – Reviewer.
  8. The 1st IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM 2015), China.
  9. Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications Conference, (HSI 2014), UK.
  10. The 21st International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2014), Malaysia – Reviewer.


  1. J. Zabalza, “Creating and publishing journal papers,” Virtual Research Forum, University of Dubai, Nov. 2022.
  2. J. Zabalza, “Image-processing-based artificial intelligence in industrial applications,” University of Dubai, Nov. 2022.
  3. J. Zabalza, “Singular spectrum analysis for effective feature extraction in hyperspectral imaging,” University of Strathclyde, EEE, CeSIP, Jul. 2014.
  4. J. Zabalza, “Combination of support vector machine and principal component analysis for classification tasks,” University of Strathclyde, EEE, CeSIP, May 2013.
  5. J. Zabalza, “Control de inversores para inyección en red,” Universitat Jaume I, ESID, Apr. 2008.
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